OpenPlant PID Help

Place Pipe Run Dialog

Displays when you are placing a individual pipe run or adding a pipe run to an existing Pipeline tag.

Accessed when:

Create a new Pipeline and place pipe run in the drawing.

Select the Pipe Run option from the gallery and place a new run of an existing Pipeline/Piperun.
Note: You cannot place a Piperun without a relationship to a defined Pipeline tag.

The following dialog opens:

Flow Direction

Provides the following flow options:

  • Forward
  • Backward
  • Bidirectional
Show Flow Arrows When enabled, this option will automatically place the tip of flow arrows at the vertex of the pipeline.
Flow Arrow Location

Select from the following options for flow arrow placement:

  • Before vertex
  • After vertex

The following options are available when using OpenPlant PID Auto-Routing function to automatically route pipe between two existing components:

Auto-Route: Enables the auto-routing options

Prompt for Direction from Pipe Run

Perpendicular to Vessel Edge

End Segment Length


Expands the dialog to display the following section: